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The Old West.. where a lone cowboy leads an uprising against a terror from beyond our world. 1873. Arizona Territory. A stranger with no memory of his past stumbles into the hard desert town of Absolution.
The only hint to his history is a mysterious shackle that encircles one wrist. What he discovers is that the people of Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody makes a move on its streets unless ordered to do so by the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Ford). It's a town that lives in fear. But Absolution is about to experience fear it can scarcely comprehend as the desolate city is attacked by marauders from the sky. Screaming down with breathtaking velocity and blinding lights to abduct the helpless one by one, these monsters challenge everything the residents have ever known. Now, the stranger they rejected is their only hope for salvation. As this gunslinger slowly starts to remember who he is and where he's been...
Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0409847/
Release Date: 29 July 2011
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde
Quality: TS
==================================================Release Date: 29 July 2011
Genre: Action | Sci-Fi | Thriller
Cast: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde
Quality: TS
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