berikut link download film A Chinese Fairy Tale gratis beserta sinopsis
The story takes place on an ancient mountain – Black Mountain, when a group of workers come to construct a road, causing the ancient spirits, ghosts and humans to enter into conflict. Rumors of spirits causing trouble prompt the workers to leave the mountain, leaving only a hardworking young man by the name of Ning Cai Chen,
a strong believer of science to stay on to construct the road for the villagers. However, an incident in Ning Cai Chen’s childhood is a memory he is afraid to recall – the sight of his father dying in the hands of an evil spirit.
Xiao Qian is a young leopard cat spirit eager to outshine the grand fox spirit to gain the respect of the powerful century tree spirit. She volunteers to get rid of Ning Cai Chen only to realize that they share an intertwined fate and finds herself saving him instead.
The old ghost hunter Summer Snow Wind Lightning sets foot upon the mountain to stop the spirits from creating mischief and to chase Ning Cai Chen off the mountain as he is afraid that the seal laid down on the mountain by his master will be destroyed. The spirit of Black Mountain will then be released and it will be catastrophic for mankind.
Filled with hatred, the Black Mountain Spirit seeks to take revenge on mankind and swears to kill all couples in love. Unwilling to give up, Ning Cai Chen asks Xiao Qian to take the last resort of grabbing the demon stick from Xia Bing’ hand and destroying the Black Mountain spirit. Xiao Qian is faced with a difficult decision…
Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1861421
Release Date: 21 April 2011
Genre: Fantasy
Cast: Louis Koo, Yifei Liu and Shao-qun Yu
Quality: BDRip 720p
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