30 Jul 2011

3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy

berikut link download film 3-D Sex and Zen: Extreme Ecstasy gratis beserta sinopsis
As a conceited scholar of the Ming Dynasty, Wei Yangsheng believes that since life is short, one should pursue the ultimate sexual pleasure as time allows. Wei Yangsheng encounters Tie Fei the Taoist priest's daughter, Tie Yuxiang, on an occasion. With the former's talent and the latter's beauty, they fall in love at first sight,
and Wei Yangsheng is later married into the Tie's family. Yuxiang is elegant and courteous under the influence of her father's faith, though her lack of passion cannot fully satisfy Wei Yangsheng's sexual needs. His disappointment is no less than his affection for her. 

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1365048/
Release Date: 14 April 2011
Genre: Action | Drama
Cast: Saori Hara, Vonnie Lui and Yukiko Suô
Quality: DVDRip
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by: admin (Dunia Gue | download film gratis )
film sebelumnya: Red White & Blue
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