29 Jun 2011

The Frankenstein Experiment

berikut link download film The Frankenstein Experiment gratis beserta sinopsis
A modern re-imagining of Mary Shelly’s “Frankenstein” in which a beautiful young stem-cell researcher, Elizabeth Barnes joins a secret research group attempting to develop a stem-cell based universal healing serum.
Despite opposition from the project leaders Marcus Grone and Dr. Victoria Travelle, she quickly develops a serum that can bring the dead back to life – but with horrific results. Distraught, Elizabeth tries to leave the project, but the project’s financier orders Marcus to hold the research team captive until their research is complete. When one of the project’s security guards is murdered and then re-animated, the team must contend with a man who at first is like a child, but quickly becomes something much, much more

Info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1337686/
Release Date: 2010
Genre: Action | Fantasy | Thriller
Cast: Ed Lauter, Louis Mandylor, Tiffany Shepis
Quality: DVDRip
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