You can download your blog posts as backup to your computer using Blogger export feature. If anything goes wrong or you delete some posts by mistake then you can use that backup file to restore your posts. Here are some simple steps to download your blog posts to your computer.
Steps to Download Blog Posts to Your Computer
- Log in to your Blogger account.
- Go to 'Settings' | 'Basic' tab.
- Click 'Export blog' link.
- On the next page click 'DOWNLOAD BLOG' button.
- An 'XML' file will began to download, save this file on your hard drive and rename it for your own convenience.
How to Recover Posts If Anything Goes Wrong?
So, you've already saved your posts on your hard drive as an .XML file. If anything goes wrong or you delete some or all of your posts, simply go to 'Settings' | 'Basic' tab. But this time click 'Import' button and Blogger will ask you to upload an .XML file. Just upload that backup file and your posts will be restored.
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