28 Jan 2011

Matching Jack

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19 agustus 2010
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Matching Jack is a 2010 Australian drama film directed by Nadia Tass from a screenplay by Lynne Renew and David Parker, based an unfilmed script by Renew entitled Love and Mortar. The film stars Jacinda Barrett as a mother who begins a lengthy search for a bone marrow donor to help her son (Tom Russell), who has been diagnosed with Leukemia. James Nesbitt, Kodi Smit-McPhee and Richard Roxburgh also star.

Matching Jack was produced by Tass and Parker's studio Cascade Films, in association with the film investment agencies Film Victoria and Screen Australia. It was filmed on location in Melbourne in 2009, and premiered at the 2010 Melbourne International Film Festival. 20th Century Fox distributed it to 185 national screens in August 2010, the widest Fox release of an Australian film since 2008's Australia.

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