Get organized with ACDSee
With ACDSee, organize the way that works best for you. Organize your Windows file folders, add keywords and ratings, edit your metadata, and create your own categories. Assign images to as many categories as you like without duplicating files. The new features: Use multi-word keywords like ‘Trip to Mexico’ to make finding images even easier. Unzip files and start viewing and organizing archived items right away, without leaving ACDSee.
Correct and enhance your photos. The new features: With ACDSee’s advanced red-eye tool, get natural-looking results with custom eye colors to replace red areas. Apply effects like Blur, saturation and color to selected areas of your photos.
Share your favorite photos
New features: Simplify online photo sharing with integrated uploading to sites like Flickr and Smugmug. Post a photo widget on your website or blog, powered by your free ACDSee Sendpix online album. Create PowerPoint presentations from inside ACDSee, including notes, captions and more.
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