Google Earth is a virtual globe program that lets you surf through our entire planet.
You can zoom
and search for your town and much more things such as school, churches etc!
Google Earth Pro (Gold) is the upgraded version, it has alot of more features such as movie making or advanced printing and much more… Worth 400 $
Google Earth Pro combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips.
Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2009
Google Earth Pro-Gold Edition 2009
Hot News!!! "Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda"
You can zoom

Google Earth Pro (Gold) is the upgraded version, it has alot of more features such as movie making or advanced printing and much more… Worth 400 $
Google Earth Pro combines the power of Google Search with satellite imagery, maps, terrain and 3D buildings to put the world’s geographic information at your fingertips.
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