Steady, rapid, safe, strong, fascinating three-dimensional form in the images, the
wall-papers, the themes, the motion of windows and each thing. Windows Of xP-Turbo of 3d SP3 2010 goes with the inherent collection of the most important useful programs. Assembling is integrated with the last renovations and the corrections.
The programs are added
- Avira antivirus
- yahoo of messenger 10
- Multiyahoo of messenger of regit
- flash of player
- Windows of media of player 11
- K -lite Of kodec
- icon of resize
- Icon Of pakager
- Icons
- Hitman of pro 3.5
- Mozilla Of firefox 3.5
- Transbar
- True of transperncy
- Ubericon
- Vista Of rainbar
- visual Of tooltip
- Yzshadow
- Refrech of icon of cache
- Crystal Of rocket of dock
- Dock Of vieena
- Microsoft Of geniune Of advantage
- Netframework 2
- Winrar 3.8
- Advanced of task Of manager
- Clean Of unistaller 3
- Error Of repair of proffesional V3
CPU – Is recommended the computer, equipped with the processor Of intel Of pentium/Celeron, AMD Of k6/Athlon/Duron or compatible with a frequency 300 MHz or are more (one- or two-processor system). Minimum frequency of processor – 233 MHz
Memory – The recommended volume OZU – 512 mb or is more (minimally permissible volume – 256 mb.; in this case the productivity and some functions can be limited)
The hard drive – Is required 10 GB of vacant place on the disk (volume of the utilized place on the hard drive it depends on configuration; for the selective installation can be required more or less than the disk space)
Disk drive – Disk drive of DVD- disks other devices
Keyboard and the mouse
Monitor – Permission 800/600 or more
Size: 700 Mb
Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5

The programs are added
- Avira antivirus
- yahoo of messenger 10
- Multiyahoo of messenger of regit
- flash of player
- Windows of media of player 11
- K -lite Of kodec
- icon of resize
- Icon Of pakager
- Icons
- Hitman of pro 3.5
- Mozilla Of firefox 3.5
- Transbar
- True of transperncy
- Ubericon
- Vista Of rainbar
- visual Of tooltip
- Yzshadow
- Refrech of icon of cache
- Crystal Of rocket of dock
- Dock Of vieena
- Microsoft Of geniune Of advantage
- Netframework 2
- Winrar 3.8
- Advanced of task Of manager
- Clean Of unistaller 3
- Error Of repair of proffesional V3
CPU – Is recommended the computer, equipped with the processor Of intel Of pentium/Celeron, AMD Of k6/Athlon/Duron or compatible with a frequency 300 MHz or are more (one- or two-processor system). Minimum frequency of processor – 233 MHz
Memory – The recommended volume OZU – 512 mb or is more (minimally permissible volume – 256 mb.; in this case the productivity and some functions can be limited)
The hard drive – Is required 10 GB of vacant place on the disk (volume of the utilized place on the hard drive it depends on configuration; for the selective installation can be required more or less than the disk space)
Disk drive – Disk drive of DVD- disks other devices
Keyboard and the mouse
Monitor – Permission 800/600 or more
Size: 700 Mb
Download: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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