5 Jan 2010

Norton Internet Security 2010

Norton Internet Security was designed to be the fastest virus, spyware and internet protection you can buy. The Norton Internet Security main window acts as a security management interface. Norton Internet Security 2010 will be the fastest and lightest security suite Symantec has ever delivered. It guards your PC, network, online activities and your identity with innovative, intelligent detection technologies optimized to combat todays aggressive, rapid-fire attacks. Improved Norton Safe Web technology blocks Internet threats before they can infect your PC. So you can browse, buy and bank online with confidence. It even warns you of unsafe web sites right in your search results. Plus, unlike other Internet security suites, it provides easy-to-understand threat and performance information to help you avoid future threats and keep your PC running fast. Engineered for Speed: Proven fastest and lightest security suite available Intelligence-driven Norton Insight technology targets only those files at risk for faster, fewer, shorter scans Installs in under one minute on average requires less than 7 MB of memory Up-to-the-minute Protection Delivers up-to-the-minute protection with rapid pulse updates every 5 to 15 minutes. The Norton Protection System provides multilayered protection technologies that work in concert to stop threats before they impact you. Real-time SONAR (Symantec Online Network for Advanced Response) helps prevent bots from taking control of your PC. Prevents threats from entering through your firewall. Detects and automatically removes online threats. Defends against Web-based attacks with patent-pending technology. Recovery Tool boots and repairs badly infected PCs Delivers our most complete deep-cleaning scan possible. Prevents bots from taking control of your PC. Norton Ongoing Protection provides continuous protection updates and new product features as they become available throughout your product subscription period, helping to keep your computer protected against the latest Internet threats and risks. Norton Automatic Renewal Service helps to ensure that youre protected by automatically renewing your product subscription before it expires. Download disini Description: Norton Internet Security 2010 Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Norton Internet Security 2010 Hot News!!! "Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda"
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