28 Jan 2010

Corel Ulead VideoStudio Pro x2 v12.0.98.0-Edit-Create.Video!

January 27th, 2010 By Ruslan 16:45 Wita
Corel VideoStudio Pro is easy-to-use video editing and disc-authoring software for creating professional-looking videos and slide shows. Produce complete movies with the time-saving Movie Wizard or use easy editing tools. Share your creation in any format from DVD to mobile phones to the latest high-definition home theater systems. Even upload directly to YouTube to let the whole world in on the fun. Grab photos and video from anywhere–camcorders, cameras, or TV. . .
Make movies pop by adding titles, music and special effects. Create movie and slide show discs to share with family and friends.


Download Part 1 Part 2

VISTA 32 BIT INSTRUCTIONS-After the instalation go to the Folder Key CORE and then click on CR-ULEAD as a ADMINISTRATOR and Unlock it, and then Click on CORE10k as a ADMINISTRATOR..

After that u Do the same thing again but with CORE10K first and then CR-ULEAD… And all done

Description: Corel Ulead VideoStudio Pro x2 v12.0.98.0-Edit-Create.Video! Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Unknown - ItemReviewed: Corel Ulead VideoStudio Pro x2 v12.0.98.0-Edit-Create.Video! Hot News!!! "Sepeda Motor Injeksi Irit Harga Terbaik Cuma Honda"
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